Spotify podcast
zeno.fm broadcast
List of programs (zeno.fm) in approximate running order
Chinn/Chapman story
The Strawbs story
Scandinavian Prog Rock
Queen minus Freddie
Greatest concert albums
Blackmore's Night story
Plini story
Liquid Tension Experiment story
10cc story
Covered by Dream Theater
Eastern influences
Great Songs Parade #1
Drag the Band - "Sevdiğimiz Şarkılar"
Hellguard - "Dream Sequences"
Stolen Hits
Great Songs Parade #2
Ambient Music story
Drag the Band - "Nausea"
Airbag Introduction
​Depeche Mode story
Mahavishnu Orchestra - Visions from the Emerald Beyond
Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds
Best guitar solo's of all times
Political Songs
Drag the Band - "Panopticon"
Sad songs
Drag the Band - "Earthly Delights"
Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel story
Hellguard - "Arca Musarithmica"
Great Songs Parade #3
Feel Good
Drag the Band - "What About You"
Beatles covers
ELP story
Hellguard - "Marsquakes"
Paul is Dead
Drag the Band "Recoil Kinetics"